Leading Realtors in Vancouver WA: These Are The States People Move From Most Often
The northwest U.S. is a hub for technology. While Silicon Valley in California remains the absolute number one location for technological innovation, Portland, OR is fast pulling up right behind Silicon Valley. Real estate selling agents serving Vancouver, Washington - Matin Real Estate, have noticed a trend from certain parts of the country. Most of the people relocating to this area are coming from a few locations: California, Arizona, Nevada and Seattle, Washington. Jordan L. Matin, owner and real estate agent in Vancouver, WA , has been watching these areas carefully. He and his team have a database of potential clients and customers in a database. They are able to match potential clients to potential properties and have considerable success doing so. “The people moving into this area are doing so because of our easy access to Portland. We are immediately across the Columbia River, and while we are in a different state, Vancouver is the largest suburban community...